Entrepreneurs are building the plane as they are learning to fly. We are here to help you navigate this chaos and unlock your potential and your business's potential one "ah-ha!" moment at a time.
Our lead coach, Raymond Obsun, has decades of experience as a business operator and is certified by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.
Our sole focus is you. We firmly believe that the answers to the personal and professional problems you are working to conquer are inside you. We are here to work with you to unlock the answer and help you, your team, and your business grow.
1:1 Business Coaching: Your business is firing off on all cylinders. We will work with you to expand your business strategy and fuel growth efforts.
1:1 Leadership Coaching: A leader's effectiveness directly impacts their organization's likelihood of success. We will enable you to level-up your leadership.
Group Coaching: Entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely path, but it does not need to be. Join our group coaching to meet with other builders for dialogue around uncovering new ideas.
"I am a firm believer that not knowing what you don't know can drastically hinder your performance in your personal and professional life. Working with Raymond helped me identify these blind spots and take action steps to think, feel, act, and reflect. Over the course of three months, I feel an incredible improvement with how I act personally and professionally. Raymond has my highest recommendation."
- Max Polec, Founder of Abstract Collective
"Raymond has helped establish the Iron City Product Council's mastermind groups, as well as guide me as an individual in my entrepreneurial journey. The thing I like about Raymond is that he stubbornly believes in you. He is generous and patient with his time, listening closely to what is said and drawing the solutions from your own mind or from group consensus during a mastermind. Sometimes it feels like not much is happening in a conversation, but then you get off the phone and realize that you have a much clearer direction on where you are going. I strongly recommend Raymond as a catalyst for community development, and a sounding board for unlocking your potential."
- Dan Pointer, Brand Manager at Fledging
"As a coach, Raymond brings his vast professional experience as an executive leader and as a business owner. He is able to pull from this experience with tangible examples. However, the most powerful part of working with Raymond, he creates a safe space allowing time to process learning in real-time. He asks meaningful, empowering questions to spark perspective, change, and growth. Through our work together, I continue to push through limiting beliefs and to new levels of success and fulfillment in my work and my life. "
- Kelli Towers, Keep Pedaling LLC
"I was referred to Raymond by a mutual friend who knew I was at an inflection point in my startup business. I needed coaching, guidance, and a peer with whom to share ideas and issues. Raymond filled all these roles and more. In our weekly meetings, we began to build an interim strategy; his help was invaluable. Raymond brings experience, know-how, and deep empathy to the table. His interest in not only my business success, but also my well being was clearly genuine. He is gifted in determining what is needed in the moment — whether advice, accountability, or affirmation — and sharing it with directness and compassion. I recommend him highly to any business leader seeking an executive coach."
- Bob Shufflebarge, CEO of TriAltus Bioscience
"I was introduced to Raymond through a team member who was also working with him. That team member spoke endlessly of the work they were doing together. I had just become CEO of Fledging and knew I needed both the help and an outside perspective not embedded in Fledging with whom I could discuss absolutely anything. Raymond couldn't have been a better partner. Each session ended with me feeling like the knowledge had been inside me all along. That's the sign of a tremendous coach. My work with Raymond coincided with my first 100 days as Fledging's CEO. This was a turbulent period that included a new product launch and failed campaign, terminating an under-performing employee, managing a founder's sabbatical and exit, our first Advisory Board meeting, the beginnings of a cash flow shortage, and supporting the former CEO as he transitioned into a team role. It's hard to overstate how much Raymond helped me work through these challenges without ever acting as a crutch for the tough decisions I had to make. He also helped me learn an awful lot about myself in a short time. If you're ready to do the work with a partner who helps you make your path while never giving you the easy way out, I can't recommend Raymond enough."
- Ethan Summers, CEO of Fledging
"Raymond has helped establish the Iron City Product Council's mastermind groups, as well as guide me as an individual in my entrepreneurial journey. The thing I like about Raymond is that he stubbornly believes in you. He is generous and patient with his time, listening closely to what is said and drawing the solutions from your own mind or from group consensus during a mastermind. Sometimes it feels like not much is happening in a conversation, but then you get off the phone and realize that you have a much clearer direction on where you are going. I strongly recommend Raymond as a catalyst for community development, and a sounding board for unlocking your potential."
- Daniel Bolus, COO of Purilan Technology
Our Partners
JOLT believes in supporting the early-stage entrepreneurs of today who will become the business leaders of tomorrow. We are currently partnered with the following Entrepreneur Support Organizations (ESOs):